1st semestral meeting

CIRCULAR WELD Six Month Intermediate meeting 19th June 2024

Fascia loghi. Finanziato dall'Unione Europea, Ministero della Cultura, Italia Domani, Università di Firenze

6-months intermediate meeting was held the 19the June 2024 at MTRL Heavy Duty Lab. of the Dep. of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence.

Agenda of the meeting

10.00-10.45 Welcome and laboratory visit (UNIFI)

10.45-11.15 Deliverables, milestones and activities plan (Dr. Niccolò Grossi, UNIFI, Principal Investigator)

11.15-11.30 UNIFI activities (Dr. Niccolò Grossi, UNIFI, Principal Investigator)

11.30-12.00 Deliverable D5.1 on requirements: status and updates (UNIFI-UNIBO)

12:00-12:15 8-month scientific report (UNIFI-UNIBO)

12.15-12.30 UNIBO activities (Prof. Michele Palermo, UNIBO, RU coordinator)

12.30-13.00 Discussion on joint bars and unit cell (UNIFI-UNIBO)

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00-14.30 Any other business (UNIFI-UNIBO)

Last update



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